Hello Blogging world! Over the past 4 weeks I hoe you have enjoyed the blog posts I have been posting including today's one. There is this new movie that is coming out and is called Blade Runner 2049, it is a movie based about what 2099 would look and be like. For this activity we had to think about what 80-90 years would look like from now on.
The kind of houses people will be living in would be like Modern houses or either pent houses, because peoples knowledge must be getting bigger from other people. They will probably still kind of eat the same food but cook it in different ways like a automatic robot cooker, because years later people would want to invent robots. I think people will be working in like digital and coding jobs because right now coding matters a lot and there is a load of digital evolving in activity's like blog posts, and Summer Learning Journey!
I hope that you have enjoyed my blog posts throughout the weeks. PLease feel free to leave a comment about my work! I am sure gonna miss working and blogging with the Summer Learning Journey groups! Bye! Bye! Blogging world! ☹😘😊👋
Hi Amie.
ReplyDeleteWow congratulations on completing your last activity of the Summer Learning Journey, You have worked hard over the weeks of Summer putting in a lot of time and effort to post on your blog daily and complete the tasks to a really high standard. You have used your time management skills to do this and your thinking skills to share ideas and interact with your audience sharing comments on your work.
I think NZ in 80 years time will be far more advanced like you say here in your post- Do you enjoy coding? Lots of students use scratch to code with as its easy to use and very user friendly. Do you have another site you like to use. There are also coding workshops you can attend in the holidays and online if thats something you are interesting in learning more about. Thanks for sharing the picture of blade runner.. I might need to go and check out this movie for myself.
I think we will all miss seeing your fantastic work you have done each day over summer but you can still participate in the Summer Learning Journey by commenting on other peoples blogs and giving them some quality blog comments. This way you will gain more points and also help others achieve their best!
See you around here soon.
Ciao Clare, I am glad that I have done you proud! I enjoy coding because it makes learning fun! I also use scratch and code.org. This movie sounds very interesting because it is talking about the future! I will also miss commenting and sharing facts to the people online! I will try see you around, until then bye!
DeleteFrom: Amie
Hi Amie,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I cannot believe you have finished the Summer Learning Journey 2017-18. What an amazing adventure it has been reading all your posts over the last 3 weeks. You have completed some outstanding activities over that time.
I have found this post very interesting and I love your idea about robots cooking our food. I think you might be amazed at how many jobs are currently completed by robotic type machines. What other jobs do you think robots will be doing in the future? I think jobs such as administration, cashiers, and telephone operators will be some of the first jobs to go.
I am so proud of you for finishing the Summer Learning Journey with quality blog posts. You are the first blogger to complete the programme from the Ako Hiko cluster. Once again, congratulations!
I am excited to see more of your encouraging comments on other students posts. Encourage your friends to come and join in the fun on the Summer Learning Journey. Feel free to join me on Monday between 11:30 & 1:30 at the Wesley Community Centre. You could help me comment on other blog posts.
Well done Amy, have a lovely weekend.
Megan :)
Malo e lelei Megan, I cannot believe it too! I think that robots would be helping the blinded people to walk without struggling that much. That actually is a great idea I can't believe I didn't think of that for part time. Wow! I cannot believe out of so many schools I am the first blogger to finish from the Ako Hiko Cluster! Thank you! I will try encourage my friends to go if they are not busy. Must be hard to keep up all the commenting on peoples blog posts! Thank you Megan, have a magnificent day!
DeleteFrom: Amie
Talofa Amie,
ReplyDeleteI like that you’ve taken the time to consider some digital aspects of life now and what it might mean for the future in 80-90 years time. You’ve also made so many great points about advanced technology being a huge part of changing how humans will interact with their surroundings and I tend to agree with a lot of what you’ve said.
Perhaps next time you could include a picture of what the world might look like according to what you believe. What do you think life will be like for animals in the future? Do you think any type of extinction might occur?
This all reminds me of when I was young, all my classmates and kids around me believed that by the year 2020 we’d be flying around in spaceships. There was a cartoon called ‘The Jetsons’ that really encouraged those thoughts and it seems kind of silly now that we are so close to 2020.
Amie, I’d like to say a huge congratulations to you for completing the Summer Learning Journey of 2017-2018. You’ve been such an avid and enthusiastic blogger who’s been dedicated to posting some fantastic work regularly. It has been such a pleasure to read your posts and get to know a little bit about you over the summer.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday and stay cool in the heat!
Toe feiloa’i fo’i,
Ciao Cia, oh maybe next time I could have added a picture. Maybe Takahēs might get extinct because they are very rare at the moment. Some people on the internet even says in a Million years time the moon will fly away to the sun and the moon will never be back. Thank you! It has also been great to know you from the Meet the Team page too! I hope I do stay cool in the heat! I love your very detailed comments! I hope you have the best of luck for completing the 3rd and final year of your Bachelor of Education degree. Have a great holiday!
DeleteFrom: Amie
Kia Ora Amie,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rachel and I am working on the Summer Learning Journey programme this year with Megan, Cia and Clare. WOW! What an amazing accomplishment, finishing up the entire progarmme. I know that our team has really enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy, reading your posts and providing comments.
I hope that you will have time to post some positive, thoughtful and helpful comments on the blogs of other student's completing the journey this year. To see who has posted an activity on their blog recently, please check out the Summer Learning Journey twitter feed. It can be found here:https://sites.google.com/a/manaiakalani.org/connected-learners-share/sljtwitterfeeds
I know that the other students would love to receive your support over the coming weeks. Every comment that you post is worth an additional two points:)
Congratulations again on completing the SLJ this year, Amie. What a star!
All the best,
Rachel :)
Kia Ora Rachel, I am sorry I haven't replied since the last days. Thank you, your team is so nice! I will try get on commenting on peoples blogs tomorrow. Thank you.
DeleteWish you the best too.
From: Amie
Kia Ora Amie, that sounds great! We'd love it if you could join us and post some positive comments on student's blogs. Hope to see you online soon.
DeleteRachel :)
Hi Amie,
ReplyDeleteI was so excited to see that you have completed the Summer Learning Journey too. I thought I was the only one doing it.
You are definitely a tough one to beat. How much fun did you have doing it? I have learnt a lot of things. My favourite one would have to be was the Sporting Heros one. I like how you chose a NZ Athlete.
Bonjour Sam, thank you so much for commenting and telling me that you have also finished the SMJ! Wow I checked your blog out and it is stunning! You have very descriptive and interesting blog posts, I will remember to comment on your amazing Blog. I also thought that me and Lily W was the only one's participating too.
DeleteHave you seen her blog here is a link to her Blog, http://wpslilyw.blogspot.co.nz/ . I had a lot of fun! I also learnt a lot of things too. My favourite was the Treaty of Waitangi because it was really cool because of how much activities you can do there. You are also a very tough one to beat, The only way to know who won is when they start announcing the winners. Good Luck!
From; Amie